1. License

1.1 Quality assurance

The warranty period of the official license is one year after the license purchase, and we only receive online for product problems and support in the form of product patches.

1.2 License Period

The official license is a perpetual license.
The license term is issued to 9999.
※ The license term does not mean the warranty period.

1.3 Reissue license due to IP change

The license validates with the IP of the server on which the SSO Agent is installed.
If the server IP is changed due to the transfer of the server, you cannot reissue the license, and you must purchase a new license.

2. Product

2.2 Rivest SSO Product Version

Rivest SSO will consist of three versions: standard, professional, and enterprise.
To summarize the differences for each version:
- standard : The most basic Single Sign On
- professional : Added session management function (can be processed for duplicate logins, logouts, etc.) / (to be ready)

2.3 Encryption Algorithm

Rivest SSO uses a combination of RSA asymmetric encryption algorithms and AES encryption algorithms.

2.4 Renew encryption key

There is no functional problem even if you do not renew the encryption key and use the encryption key embedded in the solution.
However, we recommend creating a new encryption key (private key, public key) through the openssl tool for enhanced security.
* Generate in private key pkcs#1 format
genrsa -out private_key1.pem 2048

* Convert to private key pkcs#8 format
pkcs8 -in private_key1.pem -inform PEM -out private_key.pem -outform PEM -topk8 -nocrypt

* Generating public key
rsa -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem -pubout

* Copy the generated encryption key to each product
Copy private_key.pem to C:/app/sso-server-standard-1.0.0/cert
Copy public_key.pem to C:/app/sso-agent-standard-1.0.0/cert

3. Payment

3.2 Refund

You cannot get a refund after purchasing the license because it is a copyable file.
Please purchase an official license after developing and verifying a sufficient period of time through a free license.

3.3 Payment method

Only bank transfer is possible.

4. ETC

4.1 Third Party SSO Implementation Project

Any company or individual can use the Rivest SSO product for their SSO business without any restrictions.